Lighting: Milano Design Week 2023
We're about to stroll through the dazzling world of lighting fixtures at Milan Design Week 2023. Imagine walking into a space where the lights aren't just functional but are practically works of art themselves.
I am going to document a few of the gems I stumbled upon at the Fiori Salone—
Unique chairs: Design Week Milano 2023
The chair is undoubtedly the most redesigned object by industrial designers each year for the designed week. This year, I had the opportunity to see an array of new chairs.
I would like to document a few of the remarkable ones–
Art Installations : Design week Milan 2023
Design Week Milan, also known as Salone del Mobile and Fuorisalone, is the world's largest and most prestigious design and furniture fair. Milano Design Week has made Milan the world design capital. It is a series of interconnected events that take over the entire city with installations, lectures, temporary exhibitions, and pop-ups every year in April.